1. All archaeological fieldwork will be conducted only under supervision of a qualified field instructor.

  2. A complete record of site survey reports will be filed with the Society and other specified institutions


3. Artifacts discovered and all materiel obtained from VCAS surveys and excavation will be turned into the Society or any other specified institutions for further research.

4. The location of any site will not be revealed to non-members until it has been released for general publicity by the sponsoring institution or by the Society.

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5. Any action (i.e. excavations, lectures) under the auspices of the VCAS must be approved by the organization.

6. The Society Code of Ethics and the State and Federal Antiquity Laws will be adhered to by the membership.


Have you found artifacts? California law requires that artifacts be turned in to an Accredited Museum, Archive or other institution. We will review your found artifacts and provide appropriate advice.

Looting is the practice of ‘lifting artifacts’ from a site, either by inadvertent discovery or by intent