Donate TODAY

Your donation allows us to connect people and create partnerships around the world. We run our preservation and curation programs on DONATIONS only!


 You can make a difference. 

Come join our great fun and educational meetings. Annual membership dues are now due- student discounts are available! You can mail your dues to our PO Box, or you may pay your membership dues by clicking “Join” button below. Thank you!

Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about these programs and the artifact preservation for our County! There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active volunteer yourself. Join now and make an impact! You can email the Curator or the President to get more information-

event access/Support for our cause!

Come to our meetings and meet other excited members and our professional historians and archaeologists that present- if you are a scholar, and wish to make a presentation, please contact us! On #GivingTuesday, please consider a donation to our preservation of the important evidence of history in Ventura County! Go to our Facebook page and any donation is welcome- thank you! You can also help with our “Preservation fund” by donating at our meetings to the “Raffle”…great prizes and everyone benefits!